martes, enero 12, 2010

Visiten el Callejón de Huaylas

Nevado Vallunaraju at sunset, Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Visiten el Callejón de Huaylas

Gracias por los comentarios, la verdad ser rescatista es mi hobby, aunque diria mi pasion junto con la Medicina. De alguna manera todos al estudiar Medicina nos reconfortamos y nos llena de orgullo salvar una vida, incluso si durante toda mi carrera como médico solo hubiese salvado una vida, eso bastaría para saber que estudie la carrera correcta y le daría sentido a mi vida. Lo cierto es que he optado por el camino dificil para salvar vidas y lo hago en las condiciones mas adversas, pero cuando y donde el paciente más nos necesita.

Aprovecho la oportunidad de invitar a toda la promocion para que visiten el Callejón de Huaylas, especialmente Caraz ( donde vivo ) y pasen unos dias o semanas de relax (los invito a mi casa), podemos escalar un nevado, pasear por una laguna a 4,200 m.s.n.m. pueden hacer hacer una caminata, incluso si algun carro cae a un abismo de 100 mts me pueden ayudar en el rescate, por ultimo tan solo rascarse las ........ viendo Dr. House.
Por cierto Norma, no he estudiado Antropologia como tu pero si Arqueologia y tambien ejerzo como docente.
Un saludo
Carlos Ponce
Pdta. No todo lo que vaga esta perdido

Dr. Carlos E. Ponce Garcia
Médico - Rescatista - PHTLS - ATLS
Comandante de Brigada
Brigada Elite de Auxilio y Rescate

5675 m
2 or 3 Days,
Grade: Medium / Hard (suitable for novice climbers)
Vallunaraju is easily accessible from Huaraz and is an ideal beginner's mountain to summit and also a good site for technical climbing practice. We can include a day of instruction for first time climbers or for those wanting to practice ice climbing or crevasse rescue techniques. A good peak to include at the end of your trek or for extra acclimatisation for climbing 6000m peaks.
Day 1: Drive 1.5 hours from Huaraz to the Llaca Valley. Then we climb steeply up a ridge for 2 to 3 hours to Morena Camp 5130m
Day 2: A steady and not steep on good snow slopes towards the summit . The last 60m to the summit is steeper and the guide will help. Return back to the road in Llaca Valley and then to Huaraz. About 10 hours to climb & descend.

Timing: 2 daysGrade: Medium / hard

Vallunaraju is one of the few peaks in the Cordillera Blanca that can be climbed from Huaraz in two days. The climb is an enjoyable, moderate mountaineering adventure with great views from all aspects and sun during the climbing. Vallunaraju is suitable for both first time climbers and also experienced climbers wanting to practice various technique, crevasse rescues and ice climbing. A good peak to include at the end of your trek.

Day 1. Drive 1½ hours from Huaraz to the Llaca Valley 4350m. Then we climb steeply up a ridge for 2 to 3 hours to Morena Camp 5130m
Day 2. A steady and not steep on good snow slopes towards the summit . The last 60m to the summit is steeper and the guide will help. Return back to the road in Llaca Valley and then to Huaraz. About 10 hours to climb & descend.

4 Days,
Grade: Medium / Hard
(suitable for novice climbers)

Sobre las nubes Nevado Pisco :

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