domingo, octubre 24, 2010

The Day My God Died

The Day My God Died

Filmed in Nepal and India this documentary presents the stories of young girls whose lives have been shattered by the child sex slave trade. The film provides actual footage from inside the brothels of Bombay, known even to the tourists as "The Cages," captured with "spy camera" technology. The documentary also introduces the heroes of the movement who are working to abolish child sex slavery and who remind us that, "these are our daughters."

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Sanlaap is an Indian feminist non-governmental organization, established by Indrani Sinha in 1987 in Calcutta. Based in Calcutta, the group aims to protect the human rights of women and girls. Sanlaap is a developmental organization that works towards correction of social imbalances which present themselves as gender injustice and violence against women and children. The primary work is focused against trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and forced prostitution. As part of its work, the group starts shops to train girls to make a living and foster their independence.

Maiti Nepal is a non-profit organization in Nepal dedicated to helping victims of sex trafficking. Currently they operate a rehabilitation home in Kathmandu, as well as transit homes at border towns, preventive homes in the countryside, and an academy in Kathmandu.

Maiti Nepal was established in 1993 by a group of socially committed professionals to fight against the social evils inflicted upon Nepalese female.

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